Monday, November 28, 2022

Check out this video old lady talking

Sent from my iPhone

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Confusion among the masses

There is a Bible story from the old testament, cant quite remember the reference at the moment, but it is a story about the tower of babel. Well sometimes I have a tough time trying to figure out who can do what and how to do what, when it comes to this computer. Maybe my computer is the tower of Bable. 

I write books. I publish these books on iBooks and on Kindle (Amazon) I generally use Chrome as a web browser. I wrote a book WITS' END it is for sale on both iBooks and on Kindle.

I was looking at my book WITS' END online at Amazon Kindle, I noticed it had a nice workable Table of Contents. I wanted to see the meta data on this book so I could duplicate it for my other books which didnt seem to have workable Table of Contents.

I tried to open my source file for kindle, I could not. I tried to open it with ms word, I could not. Perhaps I can open it with Open office, or maybe scrivener.

Apple Help desk ROCKS!!!!

I had a fun experience this afternoon. I was having hard time uploading a new cover for my digital Book "Gerald's Wisdoms" it seemed no matter what I tried I was getting stuck I received a telephone call from Kelly at Apples help desk and she talked me through it  and I was able to upload the new cover. Great learning experience for me.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Lonnie, click on the link to see my books

Okay bro, click the above link and it should take you to the page where Amazon sells my books. You can also get them from iBooks, and from Kobo. Hope this works for you, also thank you for your telephone call and kind words. -Carolyn

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Down Home Nova Scotia: New paperback and ebook "Electronic Nicotine Deliv...

Down Home Nova Scotia: New paperback and ebook "Electronic Nicotine Deliv...: I am thrilled to be able to continue with producing books. My new book "Electronic Nicotine Delivery System" will be available in ...

New paperback and ebook "Electronic Nicotine Delivery System" to be released in next few days

I am thrilled to be able to continue with producing books. My new book "Electronic Nicotine Delivery System" will be available in paperback and as an ebook on Amazon Kindle and digitally on iBooks and Kobo within the next few days. It is basically the story of how i came to give up tobacco after being a pack a day smoker for forty-six years. The ebook has a lot of links to articles of interest I believe the selling price for digital is about 4 dollars Can, and 7.99 for paperback.

I am working on a thriller chiller and nursing memoirs but they are nowhere near ready for publication, but who knows, maybe with more sleepless nights will come more writing output.

Have a Good one

Monday, December 7, 2015

My book "For Devun" free for five days DEC 9 TILL DEC 13

Hello, I am running a free book promotion for five days from Dec 9 through to Dec 13.

My children's book "For Devun"  will be available at Amazon as a free download for the next five days. Enjoy.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

From the awesome gang

Carolyn Ann Vaughan
pink-meTell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I have written four books. One is a children’s book “For Devun” The other two are short books, “Gerald’s Wisdoms” and “WIT’S END” and my most recent book.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Secret Diaries of a Nurse: and other short stories
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I like writing in my flannel pj’s. I am comfortable and delight in being able to stay in my pjs all day if I want to. I am recently retired from over thirty years of nursing and being able to work i pjs thrills me.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
I have never been without a novel I have read so many great books. I admire Stephen Kings ability to handle a character. Agatha Christie, Mary Higgins Clarke, Michael Connelly, Earle Stanley Gardiner, Harper Lee, Rick Moffina,Lucy Maud Mongomery, Harriet Beecher Stowe, for me the authors and books are endless.
What are you working on now?
A Novel about Jamie Mallory, a young paranoid schizophrenic and his nurse Olivia, it will be a mystery suspense.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I use Facebook, twitter, goodreads, Google +, and I have a blog site.
I also speak to church and service groups when the opportunity arises.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
never give up
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
fear not I am with you always
What are you reading now?
I have three books currently that I am reading all by indie Authors, “The Girlfriend Experience” by Charles O’Donnell, “In the Wicker Wood:Where secrets are buried” by Lazarian Wordsmith and “Diary of a small fish” by Pete Morin. I also plan to read the new book by Harper Lee
What’s next for you as a writer?
To write more.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
The Bible, Cujo, The Diary of Ann Frank, and The Old Man and the Sea
Author Websites and Profiles
Carolyn Ann Vaughan Website
Carolyn Ann Vaughan Amazon Profile
Carolyn Ann Vaughan’s Social Media Links
Goodreads Profile
Facebook Profile
Twitter Account